Here at The Citizen, we do problem-solving journalism, looking for ideas and solutions to move the region forward and make a better city. Here are some other great ideas for solving the world’s problems, from media outlets around the globe:
Amsterdam, the city that brought us the concept of a Night Mayor to promote urban nightlife, is now about to select the world’s first Bike Mayor to promote cycling in the city. They will also act as a liaison to connect city hall, cyclists, community groups, and citizens. So, with two unofficial “mayors” in its ranks, we’ll have to wait and see what else Amsterdam can add to its mayoral arsenal in years to come. (via CityLab)
Picking up trash is, ironically, a wasteful venture. Huge trucks drive the same predetermined routes over and over again, regardless of what the actual demand is for trash pickup. This makes a good amount of sense, since until now the alternative has been a trash-strewn city. But the entrepreneurs at Compology have developed a sensor that can change all that. It can be placed inside of dumpsters and “see” how full it is. When it’s full, the sensor tells central command to arrange a pickup. Central command then creates dynamic pickup routes every morning based on actual demand, saving on fuel, manpower, and, yes, waste. (via NextCity)
The coal industry is collapsing, as energy efficiency and sources of renewable energy render the longtime energy source obsolete. While this is undoubtedly a good thing for the environment, it’s unquestionably a disaster for coal workers. So the folks at BitSource decided to help these workers transition to new, modern jobs by teaching them how to write code. The trainees took to it readily. In the words of one BitSource entrepreneur, “We found out that coal miners are really just engineers that get dirty. They’ve got the ability to process abstract thought and the ability to solve problems. It was just with different tools.” (via FastCo.Exist)
Photo header: Flickr/Sergey Galyonkin