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Surviving the Quarantine: What Movies to Stream

A woman lays back and watches a funny movie during her coronavirus quarantine—with popcorn in hand!

Header photo courtesy JESHOOTS.COM / Unsplash

Their doors may be closed, but you can still support independent theaters and Philly’s rich movie culture.

Consider getting a membership to your local theater, taking in online programming or simply watching any of the many alternately timeless (Rocky!) and cringe-inducing (Mannequin!) made-in-Philly flicks.

Here, local film buffs share their wisdom and recommendations on what movies to stream on Netflix, Hulu, Prime and other outlets while you’re in self-isolation.

If you want to skip ahead, they offer suggestions on films that are Philly-basedfamily-friendly, foreign, old-school and even a couple new streaming services to try.

Want more things to do during coronavirus quarantine? We’ve also compiled lists of great podcasts, board games and books to check out—all recommended by Philadelphians.

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