Site icon The Philadelphia Citizen

Citizen Engagement For Members

Citizen Engagement Matchmaking at The Philadelphia Citizen

Header photo by Sabina Louise Pierce


Our aim at The Philadelphia Citizen is to shine a light on solutions and empower Philadelphians with the tools to make positive change in the city we love and believe in.

Citizen Engagement Matchmaking

As a Citizen member, you have access to our Citizen team, who want to help you find the best way to become involved in your community. This will include:

Once you’ve signed up for membership, email us here to set up a personalized civic engagement session. Please put “Citizen Engagement Matchmaking” in the subject line, and send us a little bit about who you are and what your interests are so we can find the right person to connect you to.

Host a Coffee Klatch with the Citizen

As a member, you have the opportunity to bring the Citizen to your living room or office.

How it works: Host a gathering of 10 or more people and invite the Citizen Executive Directors to come lead a conversation about civic engagement, local governance, or other relevant topic.

Once you’ve signed up for membership, email us here. Include “Invite for Coffee Klatch” in the subject line, and send us your desired date, location, and some info about your event.

Thank you for your support of The Citizen and Philadelphia!

Any questions or inquiries can be directed to

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