You know how sometimes, when you get into a taxi, you find yourself inexplicably in a conversation about the frustrations of your life, the city, the world? And how sometimes, it feels like the two of you could solve every problem there is, if only someone would listen?
“I’m talking to people anyway, helping them solve all the problems in the world, and no one ever knows,” Connaire, 51, says. “That’s a shame. The average bear knows a lot more than politicians give them credit for. Nether my customers nor I have a $10,000 check in our hand, but if we band together a series of conversations, who knows what we could do?”
To get people to talk, Connaire offers the Bernie Fare: Any riders in his cab who agree to talk politics can get a free ride up to $27, in homage to the average contribution to Bernie. (Connaire says he earns enough on his route to cover the costs of a few conversations a week.) He also offers them a mask, if they want to hide their identity. (So far, no one has.) He films the conversations with two iPhones he has velcroed to the back of his seat, prompting them with questions that range from specifics of the campaign (like, Clinton’s email scandal) to more broad opinions about politicians in general. He is genuinely curious, tweaking riders a bit to get their real story, but treading carefully to be respectful. “I don’t want to embarrass anyone, and I don’t want anyone to hang themselves,” he says. “I want to have real dialogue.”
Instead, he has always had politics. He grew up in a family that—much to his horror as a boy—avidly discussed politics at the dinner table. He recalls his now 80-year-old father crying when Richard Nixon took off from the White House in a helicopter, and says he thanks him for teaching him to critically view politics, local and national. This election season, he easily gets customers who are fired up about Trump (usually against) or Clinton; but he also peppers them with questions about convicted former Congressman Chaka Fattah, and Philadelphia City Council. “Maybe someone in Philadelphia would actually care what my customers think,” he says.
Need a ride and a rant? Call Connaire at 610-291-5618. And stay tuned for more Politicab videos on The Citizen.