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Politicab: Senate Candidates “Two Losers, Two Thieves”

In the run-up to this year’s Presidential election, Rob Connaire, aka Politicabbie, has found a way to take politics back to the people: Take a ride in his Main Line taxi, and he’ll offer you the chance to express your political views, on camera.

As he says, “The average bear knows a lot more than politicians give them credit for. Neither my customers nor I have a $10,000 check in our hand, but if we band together a series of conversations, who knows what we could do?” The Citizen will publish Politicab’s videos, which will also be uploaded to YouTube. Maybe our electeds will take heed.

In this video, retired teamster Don Lafauci warns that Mayor Kenney is losing support of Irish South Philly, who are “calling him a traitor,” and rails against the choices he has for Senate this year.

“They’re two losers, two thieves,” Lafauci says of Pat Toomey and Katie McGinty. “They’re complaining who robbed more, who did more, who has more money. They’re spending tens of millions of dollars on that seat. Where’s the money coming from? There’s a lot of sandbagging going on.”

Need a ride and a rant? Call Connaire at 610-291-5618. And stay tuned for more Politicab videos on The Citizen.

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