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Your City Defined: Philly Accent (Filé Ack-scent)

You know it by “wooder,” but there is more to the accent, which some Philadelphians don’t even realize exists. Philly speak is a weird cocktail of Northern and Southern accents, with rounded vowels that transform words like soda and house into sewda and hay-ouse.

Wanna know if you have the accent? Repeat this passage aloud, while recording it on your smart phone:

I have to run down to Acme; all we’ve got is bagels, mustard, and Italian rolls at the house. Oh, we need orange juice. Did you eat?

Yes I know the Eagles are playing tonight. While you watch the game, I’m going to relax in the bedroom. I got a new scented candle that smells like ocean water.

Now, listen back. How do you say words like Acme? Does it have two or three syllables when you mention the grocery store aloud?

Here’s how a true Philadelphia native (complete with accent) would sound:

I have to run down to Ac-a-me; all we’ve got is beggels, mustard, and eye-talian rolls at the house. Oh, we need AARnj juice. Jeet?

Yes I know the Iggles are playing tonight. While you watch the game, I’m going to relax in the beddruum. I got a new scenid candle that smells like ocean wooder.

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