Search Results for: "geeting"

Reality Check with Philly 3.0’s Jon Geeting
Philly 3.0's Engagement Director talks Philly corruption and the recent Local 98 scandal with WURD host Charles D. Ellison
By Charles D. Ellison
The New Sixers Arena is a Boon For SEPTA
Philadelphia 3.0’s engagement director offers a guest commentary on one reason urbanists should applaud the Sixers' new Center City arena
By Jon Geeting
The Folly of Free Parking
What Philly can learn and gain (affordable housing!) from doing the unthinkable: Making our parking spots more expensive.
By Malcolm Burnley
Stop Hitting People With Cars
Three bikers and pedestrians were hit by cars this week in Philly — two fatally — because our roads are unsafe. Here, recommendations to fix that
By Roxanne Patel Shepelavy
Is Mayor Parker’s Favorite Housing Program Ready for a Glow-up?
The City’s Turn The Key workforce housing program has gained admirers for building homes affordable to middle income families. But can it really be the centerpiece of the city’s housing plan?
By Malcolm Burnley
Can Kenyatta Johnson Be … Richard Nixon?
The twice tried and ultimately acquitted Council president has the unique opportunity to reform the scourge of councilmanic prerogative … and finally make us One City
By Larry Platt
Mark Squilla Loves The Process
The fate of the 76ers arena rests on one person’s shoulders (hint: it’s not our new mayor). Is this any way to run a city?
By Malcolm Burnley
Philly Workforce Homes
Two Center City brothers expand their luxury real estate portfolio with low-profit, high-satisfaction housing for Philadelphia’s working class
By Courtney DuChene