Search Results for: "corruption"
Listen: Ali Velshi Compares Nepotism and Corruption, Trumps vs. Bidens
MSNBC anchor and Citizen Board member points out the differences in scope and scale of the allegations against Hunter Biden vs. those against Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner
By Ali VelshiThe Fix: How To Respond to Public Corruption Charges
In L.A., allegations against a councilmember were met by his colleagues … doing the right thing. What a novel concept.
By Larry PlattListen: Ali Velshi on the Culture of Corruption in Congress
The MSNBC host asks: Why are Republicans trying to gut the Office of Congressional Ethics?
By Ali VelshiThe Fix: You Can’t Change a Culture of Corruption…
… when just about everyone in it is complicit. State Rep. Jared Solomon and Councilmember Maria Quiñones Sánchez have spoken out. But, in the aftermath of the Dougherty conviction, where are the others?
By Larry PlattThe Fix: A Post-Dougherty Anti-Corruption Crusade?
In a special Citizen Zoom series, former mayoral candidate Sam Katz, State Rep. Jared Solomon and City Councilmember Maria Quiñones-Sánchez weigh in on how we got here and how we move forward
By Larry PlattGuest Commentary: Time to Say Enough to Corruption
Union boss John Dougherty was indicted again this week, and 12 percent of City Council is facing corruption charges. One outraged elected official is calling for an end to the scourge of Philly politics
By Jared SolomonThe Fix: Is Now The Time to Go Softer On Public Corruption?
A ballot question amends the charter’s ban on political activity. Is there evidence that, left to their own devices, our political players will make good government choices?
By Larry PlattAudio: Is Now The Time to Go Softer On Public Corruption?
A ballot question amends the charter’s ban on political activity. Is there evidence that, left to their own devices, our political players will make good government choices?